Tuesday 6 March 2012

Philippine transportation

Philippine transportation
The Jeepney the Icon of the Philippines The Philippine jeepney the ultimate Philippine icon a utilitarian passenger vehicle modeled on the world war two Americans jeep and extended approximately 2 meters allowing room for two long seats for the sole purpose to seat approximately 20 passengers and some times more depending on room and comfort. The Philippine jeepney is the most widely used and affordable mode of transport in the Philippines especially in the cities and large town such as Cebu city, Manila, Davo, Baguio and Tacloban

 In the provinces the jeepneys are a very important form of transport it connects isolated Barangays to nearby towns and cities and it is the cheapest mode of transport in these locations for the distance they travel and the fare the charge. Although if you want to travel from one town to another town and the journey might be about 80 kilometers if you want to arrive at your destination quickly I suggest you get a van or a bus a van more preferably if you are able to because the vans are a lot quicker and more comfortable. The jeepneys will stop every 5 to ten minutes to drop of all pick up another passenger waiting on the side of the road and sometimes the Vehicle can become very cramped especially when the jeepney start the journey from its main designated stop because the driver will not leave until the vehicle is full of passengers. The jeepney is always a very cheap mode of transport but not always the most comfortable. In the cities this is the best mode of public transport available to travel around Manila and other cities in the Philippines it is very cheap quick and reliable. These artistically designed multi colored vehicles have their designated route painted on the side of the vehicle on the sign board and a sign is also displayed in the front window for people to easily see where the final destination of the jeepney is. When you catch a jeepneys in the Philippines all you do is wait on the side of the road and when one come along that is going to the destination you wish to travel you wave to the driver and he will pull over to pick you up very easy. Read more about the Philippine transportation

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. Great write up. The thing comes in my mind when I'm asked what's mean of transportation in the Philippnes, is Jeepney. I love seeing them in variety of size, cover and set-up.
